just called me Mashie Moshimoshi.Hello guys, Mashie Here. You know my name, not my story. So, don't judge me if you don't know me. Thank you. MASHIE
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| Sahabat ♥
Thursday, 19 January 2012 | Thursday, January 19, 2012 | 0 waiting
kawan - kawan . aku rindu kat korang . saat kite kluar sme2 . kne marah sme2 . kne panggil dekat guru disiplin sme2 . kite tetap "
helmi : kau periang . suke kacau aku . meriuhkan keadaan dlam kelas . kalu crik gaduh dgan kau , pasti xjadi laa . sebab mke kau yg comel + kelakar tu laa uat aku t'gelak . kau funny orang nye . happy go-lucky laa katekan :) tp , menyakitkan atie jgak kau nie (
aqim : kau handsome . tinggi lampai . kaye . pandai uwsha pompuan laa .
mior : kau cute jgak . kau slalu usik alya , (
azwan : kau nie seorang yg disukai rmai laa . kau friendly . smue owg snang b'kawan dgan kau . kau nie snang untuk dijadikan tmpat luahan masalah . kau sudi mndengar msalah kawan2 kau . kau xpernah merungut . kau syang kawan2 kau . tp , kdang2 tolong owg ade mkne tu
naqiu : kau ? hurm , kadang2 pemalu . kdang2 ceria . kdang2 panas baran . kdang2 romantik . mcam2 laa p'watakan kau . aku suke usik kau dgan hadi kan . t'utama dlam klas mse kita 3 Tirmidzi . kau tu , tnggi sngat3 . sbb tu aku and kwan2 ske usik kau . kau ncem laa sbnarnye . ade pakej mcam aqim . tp , pemalu kau tu tinggi sngat . kau xreti nak ayat pompuan lerr . papeown , AKU SUKE KAU LAA , ATOI !!♥
bob : haa , kau panas baran kau tinggi . lagi2 kalu b'gaduh . aku xkan branie laa usik kau . tp , kdang2 kau periang jgak orangnye . kau ske ketawa . bajet ncem je kan . haha :D tp , kau cool . xcepat melatah . kdang2 skit atie jgak lerr dgan kau . RINDU KAU LAA , ATOK !!♥
sahabat , aku rindu korang semua . lagi2 mase kite
xkira laa , sejahat-jahat korang . seburuk-buruk korang . sebaik-baik korang . korang tetap kawan aku !!
Sahabat ♥
Thursday, 19 January 2012 | Thursday, January 19, 2012 | 0 waiting
kawan - kawan . aku rindu kat korang . saat kite kluar sme2 . kne marah sme2 . kne panggil dekat guru disiplin sme2 . kite tetap "
helmi : kau periang . suke kacau aku . meriuhkan keadaan dlam kelas . kalu crik gaduh dgan kau , pasti xjadi laa . sebab mke kau yg comel + kelakar tu laa uat aku t'gelak . kau funny orang nye . happy go-lucky laa katekan :) tp , menyakitkan atie jgak kau nie (
aqim : kau handsome . tinggi lampai . kaye . pandai uwsha pompuan laa .
mior : kau cute jgak . kau slalu usik alya , (
azwan : kau nie seorang yg disukai rmai laa . kau friendly . smue owg snang b'kawan dgan kau . kau nie snang untuk dijadikan tmpat luahan masalah . kau sudi mndengar msalah kawan2 kau . kau xpernah merungut . kau syang kawan2 kau . tp , kdang2 tolong owg ade mkne tu
naqiu : kau ? hurm , kadang2 pemalu . kdang2 ceria . kdang2 panas baran . kdang2 romantik . mcam2 laa p'watakan kau . aku suke usik kau dgan hadi kan . t'utama dlam klas mse kita 3 Tirmidzi . kau tu , tnggi sngat3 . sbb tu aku and kwan2 ske usik kau . kau ncem laa sbnarnye . ade pakej mcam aqim . tp , pemalu kau tu tinggi sngat . kau xreti nak ayat pompuan lerr . papeown , AKU SUKE KAU LAA , ATOI !!♥
bob : haa , kau panas baran kau tinggi . lagi2 kalu b'gaduh . aku xkan branie laa usik kau . tp , kdang2 kau periang jgak orangnye . kau ske ketawa . bajet ncem je kan . haha :D tp , kau cool . xcepat melatah . kdang2 skit atie jgak lerr dgan kau . RINDU KAU LAA , ATOK !!♥
sahabat , aku rindu korang semua . lagi2 mase kite
xkira laa , sejahat-jahat korang . seburuk-buruk korang . sebaik-baik korang . korang tetap kawan aku !!
Super Me
Me, Me, Me... No other :P
LOVE FAMILY! Our family is like a heaven. There is peace, prosperity, love and care. The younger’s have regard and respect for the elders while the elders shower them with their love and affection. The instructions of the elders are followed with great respect. If I has some problem the whole family is beside me. I am proud of my family. In conclusion, my family is the greatest thing I have ever had. I am so thankful to have them in my life, and I am not sure where I would be without them. We all have our ups and our downs, but no matter what, we know that we all love each other. I am truly blessed to have such a great family. I LOVE MY FAMILY
Partners My best friends is someone I have known since my childhood. Their name is Harirah & Faqihah. We had a lot in common, and we spent time together during the weekends. A friendship is the most amazing entity in the world because friendship is certainly one of the most important elements in the in my life. We are really close to each other. They can tell if I'm lying even if I am keeping a straight face! I don't know how them does it! These sentences are very well-writen. I don't know how it is possible, but I am never bored with them.
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